Wednesday, February 1, 2012

See ya winter!

Well I decided the best way to keep all my family, friends, and supporters in the loop about my South African mission would be to start a blog. So here we go! Oh, and PS- DG in CT = Dan Greeno in Cape Town. My roommate, Joel, came up with the name and I liked it so it stuck!

Tomorrow is gonna be a long day as I'm flying out for Cape Town in the afternoon. There will be 21+ hours in the plane and 6 hours of layovers. All in all, it should take about 28 hours to get there. Believe it or not, I'm kinda looking forward to being able to just chill out, catch up on some reading and have some solid prayer time!

This past week was pretty crazy as I was trying to get all the last-minute details for the trip figured out, along with a pretty crazy but fun social schedule that included lots of family, friends, and co-workers. One of the most stressful things has been trying to get my travel visa for South Africa. To get my visa I had to send in my passport along with a few other important documents to Travisa in Chicago. On Monday, after making numerous calls to Travisa and USPS I had no other choice but to conclude that my stuff vanished out of thin air as neither of them had any records of where it was. I was in a pretty sour mood, so when my mom told me to pray about it, all I could do was roll my eyes (I'm terrible). After awhile I was able to calm down and spend some time in prayer, and although it didn't seem to do much, I did have a lot more peace about the whole situation. About an hour later, the guy from Travisa called back and said he just found it laying around the mail room! I am just so thankful for the Lord's provision over everything these past few months, it's amazing how quick I can be to forget all that God has done for me in the past.

I'm super pumped that I will be skipping the rest of the winter (even if it is pretty tame) to head to one of the most beautiful places in the world to serve the Lord! I will try to send out weekly, or at least bi-weekly updates to let you all know what's going on over here and how the Lord is working! Lastly I wanna leave you with this verse which I have been loving lately since I have been kinda sad having to leave everyone over here in the States. The verse is Matthew 19:29- "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life."

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