In class this week are talking about leadership in the church and what that should look like. It has been pretty interesting, but the main thing I want to write about is the two month outreach we will be starting in mid-April. The outreach locations were announced last week. The options were: India, Madagascar, Zambia, Malawi, and staying local working in the townships that we are currently working in. We then turned in our top two choices to the leaders. Mine were: #1 India, #2 Zambia. I wanted India mainly because it was the farthest thing away from an African village. I chose Zambia as #2 mainly because it is close to Victoria Falls which is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World! Well, I ended up getting chosen to go on the Zambia trip which will be as African village-y as it gets. We will be sleeping in tents and there will be no electricity or water. A little rewind on my life quick. Ever since I've been young, one of the last places on Earth I wanted to go would be an African village. When African missionaries would come to our church when I was younger, I would be so adamant that I would never go to an African village because it looked pretty awful. So God had to give me a major change of heart just to come out to South Africa. So when I found out I was going to Zambia I'm ashamed to admit that I had a little pity party. I figured that since God had me put running on hold for awhile, then why not drag me out to the last place on Earth I want to go (I feel awful writing this, but this is how I initially felt). Then I figured things would just continue to get worse. I would probably end up moving to a village in the Congo for the rest of my life where no one speaks English, where I would be sleeping in a mud puddle, eating grass, feeding ostriches for a living (I hate ostriches), married to a woman I'm not attracted to, and would never run another step in my life.
I had this lie in my head that God was just out to make my life miserable. But thankfully, like always, God showed His amazing grace by placing some extremely uplifting and encouraging people in my path throughout the next day that helped me get my head back on straight. Both these guys are older than me and were able to share about the times in their life when they had no clue why God was calling them to sacrifice certain comforts. Eventually, they both came to realize that God worked what they thought were negative circumstances into amazing events that would change their lives for much better than if they had never sacrificed those comforts. One verse they told me which really spoke to me was Isaiah 55:8-9: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth , so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." So I guess all I need to do is trust that God is good and that he knows what he's doing.
So there are 7 total people on our team going to Zambia. I am the only American, so it will be a new challenge to live with people from all different cultures. We will leave Cape Town in a van on April 21st and probably won't get there until the 23rd. I'm not quite sure what we will be doing yet, but I think we will be working with orphans while trying to start house churches in the villages we will be working in. Apparently, there are lots of hippos, crocodiles, and snakes where we will be going which is kinda scary. I also don't have a clue whether or not I will be able to run. Thankfully, we will be driving into Livingstone on the weekends where there will be internet cafes and grocery stores. This will allow me to stay in touch with all my peeps from back home! Overall, this trip will definitely be tough, but I know it will force me to rely on God rather than my daily comforts am I used to. I'm just praying they have ice cream where we're staying...
Thanks for your continued prayers, everyone. They are very much appreciated. Go Louisville!
Dear Dan,
ReplyDeleteYou are amazing and inspiring.
I am in awe of your courage and perseverance.
When I traveled to Florida for work, I spoke to this complete stranger sitting next to me on the plane about my worries and future. She said she had something that could help me and pulled out a New Testament pocket book. I have been using it ever since she gave it to me. I had a Bible, but it took a complete stranger to get me to start reading and using more regularly when I struggle to make decisions. The nice thing is that this pocket book has a table in front that lists topics such as Anxiety, Guidance, Stress... and I can carry it with me.
One verse I thought I would share was Psalm 37: 5, "Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in him, and He shall bring it to pass."
I am so proud of you Dan. I pray for you and your mission work.
Sending you love from LA.
Your cousin,
Dan, I eagerly read your every blog post as if it were a Twins game recap. Keep 'em coming!
ReplyDeleteKeep it up Dan. I would like a request. Can you take some pictures if you do go to Victoria Falls? This years VBS theme is "Amazing Wonders Aviation and the bible study location is "Victoria Falls" It'd be awesome if I can tie the lessons, and environment knowing that I have a friend there. :) Keep running the Good race.